
TheAngryApologist t1_j8xe36s wrote

> …emotions have potential to be good drivers of instinct and direction of values.

So what? Wouldn’t the instincts and values of an individual determine whether or not we want them to be driven by their emotions?

There’s this idea that instincts and emotions are some sort of source of truth. They aren’t. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Emotions get in the way of truth. And instincts are just non-rational self serving reactions we have to protect our selves in some way.

This is one of the biggest problems with the human race I think. I’ll try not to get political, but we have major human rights issues at the moment and they are primarily driven by emotions. What’s really scary, is that scientists who perform studies and write papers are also subject to emotional bias.

No matter how strongly someone feels about something. No matter are sad they are about it. No matter how nice they are, we shouldn’t accept something as truth if it isn’t true. But we do it all the time and make excuses for it. And also tend to refrain from discussing it in public debate, to protect people’s feelings. It’s apsurd.


TheAngryApologist t1_iwluq1v wrote

In what way has “qanon crackpots” delayed this research?

We’re talking about placenta sourced stem cells saving a human by performing surgery before they’re born.

If anything, I would think leftists crackpots would have an issue with people performing surgery on a “parasite”.