
TheAntiCrust66 t1_jaczul8 wrote

Reply to comment by geekybean89 in Mans best Fiend by wisdompuff

Truly. I had a neighbor who's dog was locked in a tiny kennel outside maybe about 2-3 cubic meters and it was aggressive and would run around the neighborhood and chase or attack others animals and sometimes people. My dog who I actually trained did none of those things and wouldn't even leave the yard if someone was on the road by our mailbox. Worst part is when I see him compared to any of my family members dogs.


TheAntiCrust66 t1_ja8dyu0 wrote

Contrary to popular belief, the light bulb wasn’t actually Edison’s invention. Light bulbs had already been invented before he was even born; what he did was buy the patent and improve the design so that light bulbs could be brought to the masses. The incandescent light bulb would be revolutionary, but only if Edison could solve one giant problem — bringing electricity to the homes of America. No matter how revolutionary his design improvements to the light bulbs were, no one can use a light bulb if there is no way to plug it in.