
TheCatMeows13 t1_j4xqxwh wrote

What a pitiful excuse for an army.

Bodies lay scattered about the grassy plane, torn asunder by my might. Mortal men are but wheat to my scythe when they are foolish enough to draw my ire.

Their rotting corpses would make for a prodigious crop in the coming spring, I mused.

Lost in my thoughts I no longer felt the pinpricks of mortal steel. I cast my gaze on to their battle’s lines. Rows upon rows of broken men shook and stared in awe up at me.

“One of you Chihuaua’s had the gall to defile my temple and harm my priests and think I would not seek reprisal for this offense.”

I paused scanning the mob before me. Blank faces stared about in confusion as my statement was met with silence. Somewhere deeper in the crowd men wept openly and without shame.

Their ignorance and weakness will not save them. I smiled a nasty grin.

“I give whoever did this the opportunity to stand as champion for your people to atone for this grievous offense to me and my pe- “

“IT WAS ME!” Howled a man from somewhere in the crowed. My gaze floated lazily in the direction of his voice. A small man even by the standards of the Chihuaua. He walked, shaking as he did, towards me though he continued to bark as he approached.

“You have no power here! We are followers of the Shelar and your worshipers have no place here!” The crowd seemed to take some courage from his words and started yelling in unison with him.



And on and on it went.

They prostrated themselves calling to their God to save them, tore at there clothes and debased themselves in a most unhuman manner. Unfortunately for them Shelar knew where they stood in the pantheon and had decided well before I took to the field to cut their losses.

A pity really, it’d been too long since I’d fought another God.

I grew tired of this spectacle and in one swift movement took the small man up by his neck and lifted him to look at his people. He would bear witness to what I was capable.

“You and your people bark and howl like wolves, but when it comes time to bear your fangs you whimper like lambs at the slaughter.” I whispered in the ear of the man. “You people thought yourself large and beyond my reach, and for your folly I will make you small and despised among the tribes of men.”

With a wave of my hand the masses of men before me changed, growing smaller and the mass weeping slowly turned slowly into snarls and yips. As I walked through the crowd of small dogs, they parted ways in fear but continued to snarl.

I threw the man to the ground and turned my back and started walking back into the space between worlds leaving him with a few last parting words.

“They will say of the Chihuaua that they are all bark and no bite.”


TheCatMeows13 t1_j2azq3o wrote

Planet - Alzaban

Features -

  1. The friendliest fauna this side of the galaxy.
  2. A night sky to make the driest tear ducks well up.
  3. A desert which circumnavigates the globe along the equator.

Song - Take Me Home, Country Roads


Have fun!