
TheCheeseDevil t1_jeeevkr wrote

I've been sick for going on close to 10 days now and I'm tired as hell of it being chilly. Just to bring the mood down in the daily a bit. I'm starting to forget what not being congested feels like


TheCheeseDevil t1_jeajk8q wrote

Reply to Police on 64 by rvakep

In 2022 virginia supposedly banned formal ticket quotas. But I'm sure informally it's still going on. The state claimed quotas didn't exist in response to an email from from State police supervisors leaking that instructed cops to write more tickets if they wanted to retain their positions - that wasn't a QUOTA, it was just instructions. Laughable


TheCheeseDevil t1_je00d3b wrote

Will take literally any excuse to picnic. My spouse & I do a periodic hike where we park at belle isle, go down and cross at the nickle bridge & walk back. We usually end up stopping to picnic at Riverview Cemetery, but there are a lot of scenic stops to break out a sandwich at.


TheCheeseDevil t1_ja7r7oq wrote

My first card was a ponyta a kid gave me at lunch and my first game was Yellow on a Gameboy pocket. I still play the games (Legends Arceus really reignited my love) and I collect ghost type cards. Gotta keep it narrow so I don't go TOO crazy


TheCheeseDevil t1_ja38tx1 wrote

Getting tattooed! On some real estate I've been saving. I always get so stoked the days weeks leading up to a tattoo and then the day of I'm so nervous.


TheCheeseDevil t1_j9tkl5g wrote

Godspeed. Elwood Thompson usually has them (but priced higher than other stores). Kroger is hit or miss, people wipe it out as soon as they restock. My husband is obsessed with these and we have an agreement that if I find a case in the wild I buy them immediately


TheCheeseDevil t1_j9tj57t wrote

Lunch/Supper gets a lot of flak lately for good reason, but I was starving one morning and wandered over to give it another shot for brunch. The bar setup is weird- you have go through the patio and into the restaurant and check to see if there is room at the bar, and if not, you do a walk of shame back out. BUT the jalapeno short rib cheese grit bowl was to die for, seriously. It was savory and delicious and slightly eclipsed some of the mediocre meals I've had there over the past few years.