
TheChiefRedditor t1_j6n895z wrote

Reply to Scenic drives? by crruss want rocks/mountains/forests and rugged nature? Go west. Want water/beach, go east over the bay bridge.

I know you said "drive" but C&O Canal and Great Falls is not too far and I really enjoyed walking around there. Offers a bit of both. You can hike along the Potomac but there's also a lot of rugged forest and rocky terrain around too.


TheChiefRedditor t1_j424xbv wrote

Reply to comment by SCLSU-Mud-Dogs in Mint Mobile by baltikorean

But is the no coverage thing really mint mobiles fault or due to the fact the major network backbone provider they piggyback on (tmobile) had no coverage where you were? In other words, if wou were a "first class" regular Tmobile subscriber, would your service in that same location have been any better?

All these smaller mvno lower cost providers are piggybacking on either Verizon, Tmobile, or AT&T. I would expect that your service and coverage is going to be largely dictated by which one(s) of those guys they piggyback on more than anything else, am i right or wrong?


TheChiefRedditor t1_j3yx3mk wrote

If you have a board or something you might be able to angle it down there at some angle as a makeshift ramp of some kind for them to climb up. Short of being able to pop the manhole and look down there i dunno....maybe if they are good climbers they could even shimmy up some kind of sheet or rope that could be tied to something on street level and hung down there?


TheChiefRedditor t1_j3ytoh5 wrote

Has the sewer they are in got a manhole cover? Is it like a storm drain off the street? Can you post a picture of the situation? Hard to suggest ideas without a visual. No idea what kind of animals they sound like? How long they been down there? Can you see them at all? You gotta give a bit more specifics and details in the sitrep.