
TheDarKnight311 t1_j232wfj wrote

Is there any men here on Reddit? I’m talking about actual strong men. Any mental giants? No?

Okay then I’ll give you some raw motivation my friend, you ready? Motivation is non existent. It’s not real. Don’t go to a damn psychiatrist and get put on something that’ll damage your chemical balance in your brain.
Drink pints all day? How old are you? Early 20’s? If you think it will change and eventually get easy, it doesn’t. You don’t wanna be 35 years old making your daily rounds at the pub and still feeling the same way you do right now. Mindset is everything dude. Get the fuck out of bed, and show up. Don’t cheat yourself. I understand we get depressed, I’ve been there before bro, but I realized that the only person who’s going to make me feel better is ME. The only person who is going to show up every time I need them is ME. The only person who is going love me the way I deserve to be loved is ME. The only person who won’t quit on me is… ME. Love yourself man.