
TheDeafGuy8 t1_j6fq13c wrote

Keep in mind, this advice applies when fighting a fire using water. you should aim above the fire and work down, the reason why is so that you minimize the chance of super heated steam coming back at you, water expands 12000x when it turns into vapour, and steam injuries burn you twice, once when the steam hits, and once when it cools into boiling water, it can also go through clothes.


TheDeafGuy8 t1_iup4zr1 wrote

It’s generally not a good idea to say ‘yea don’t talk about that’ when there’s nothing inherently toxic about bikes, only the people who may ride them. If you want to limit toxic comments, I’m all for that, but banning a topic of conversation outright will only make people more upset then if you try to foster a conversation about it. I know you’re upset over the biker spitting in your face, and that’s fine and understandable, but there is no need to apply rules on the subreddit based off who has wronged you