
TheEmpressIsIn t1_j5qagny wrote

Lauryn's descent is one of the saddest. That album is one of my favorites of all time, a truly rich and unique work.

Wicked Game was so hot when it came out; Chris Isaak was something else. I consider Love Will Never Do (Without You) by Janet Jackson to be its sister video. (also an imitator)


TheEmpressIsIn t1_j5q6hbb wrote

LOVE and MISS them. I like weird, dramatic, artsy music videos.

Human Behaviour -Bjork This blew my 13 yo mind when i saw it on 120 minutes, and made me realize how dull American culture is, pop and otherwise.

Ashes to Ashes -David Bowie Simply a classic surrealist music video. Perhaps the first? I am not certain, but this casts a strange spell that fits the track perfectly. The funeral procession under a radioactive sky, led by London club kids in full weirdo glam mourner garb is iconic. (Slaps the ground.)

Spark -Tori Amos Acting almost like a short film, this outing finds Tori bound and running for her life through a forest, pursued by a man with nine fingers. It feels very Twin Peaks, in the best possible way, up to the chilling final moment.

Doo-Wop -Lauryn Hill The most conventional of my favs; the Brooklyn block party setting is so perfect for the song, and the time split seemed very fresh at the moment in 1998.

Sledgehammer -Peter Gabriel Truly ridiculous, thrilling, and just plain fun. Few have made a video so original. Go watch if you have not seen it.


TheEmpressIsIn t1_j1ysbd9 wrote

i appreciate Dylan's songwriting, but that is it. i prefer covers to his versions. check out 'It's All Over Now, Baby Blue'. by THEM.

his voice is grating and his lyrics can be great, but are often nonsense.

i like Joni Mitchell's take on him:

'Furthermore, in 2013, Mitchell fired shots once more, this time while in discussion with CBC. She brutally commented, “Musically, Dylan’s not very gifted; he’s borrowed his voice from old hillbillies. He’s got a lot of borrowed things. He’s not a great guitar player. He’s invented a character to deliver his songs, it’s a mask of sorts”.'

(psst, Joni should win the Nobel--her lyrics are spectacular.)


TheEmpressIsIn t1_iunt9ma wrote

you're just going to drive yourself nuts over this. there is no way people will use it correctly until those responsible for enforcement actually work to educate drivers and then punish them when they violate the rules.

sad to say, but it feels like a lost cause to me. in addition, i am tired of mega speeders tailgating me when i am trying to pass a car. some people just feel like they own the road and there's no point arguing with them...


TheEmpressIsIn t1_iui9ohh wrote

wish we were closer to go counter-protest.

this line about all gay people being groomers is so homophobic. ugh. these small, thoughtless people have twisted views of the world. sadly, politicians are now using social media to exploit biases to create a threatening atmosphere. their attitude seems to be 'Free speech for me and none for thee.'