
TheGr8Hammbino t1_iyed42d wrote

I guess it depends. I put the term maintenance into the category of routine needs of the vehicle (oil changes, air filters, etc.) If a part goes out here or there, sure, I’d fix it. Once it starts leaving me stranded, or I don’t hold much trust into its reliability, then I’d look at other options. If maintained correctly, I’m far from that position.


TheGr8Hammbino t1_iy90llv wrote

I bought a brand new car. I did my research to make sure it was fuel efficient, reliable, and had features I would utilize. I am working hard to pay it off asap, and then I will keep it until it literally falls apart. In my opinion, this is the way to do it. I know for a fact it’s getting the maintenance required at a quality level, and I have a damn good warranty in case by chance I got a lemon. My cousin just bought a used car and has already paid 2x what he paid for the car in repairs in the last 6 months, and with the total he could’ve bought the same car I got brand new.