
TheHighWarlord t1_j5iby19 wrote

> The bar may have the legal responsibility to stop serving her. But she was 100 percent at fault for the 12 million in damage she did

If the bar has a legal responsibility, then she can't be 100% at fault. Those are two contradictory statements is what I'm telling you.

Also, anyone can file a lawsuit over anything. Even though it's unlikely a jury or judge will find the bar responsible for all of the damages, there is nothing wrong with aiming high and landing somewhere in the middle.


TheHighWarlord t1_j5g65kj wrote

>To say they could drink themselves into a stupor, destroy ppls home but then place the responsibility of this individuals action on the bar that is crazy.

Well, the law talks about partial responsibility, not complete liability. So she still gets held accountable for the criminal side of things and part of the civil side.

>So this woman gets no responsibility of hours prior knowing she was gonna to be drinking heavy?

No one is saying the woman gets away free. I'm only saying that some states in the U.S. would also hold the bar accountable for its role in the accidents and they should be. The same if a business sold products that poisoned its customers.