
TheHunyBadjer t1_iyd9svr wrote

Very true. But i don't know if it doesn't teach her anything, maybe after this time she feels like shit and she decides to actually change her ways. And if he really loves her and is willing to be with her as she get better so be it.

And are we sure he can do better? to stay with someone you know fucked another dude behind your back kind of makes you a loser. I know dudes who know they're getting cheated on but wont break up with them because they know they won't get anything better.


TheHunyBadjer t1_iyd85us wrote

maybe so or maybe not. But people can change after making the same mistake multiple times. I really think the only way the relationship works is if she proves with her actions (not her words) that she not going to cheat again; like going to therapy, being transparent and open not engaging in shady shit etc. Not saying its right but when someone cheats it's usually because the other partner wasn't doing something fulfilling