
TheKevit07 t1_ja89q9p wrote

I thought I would like photo-realistic graphics years ago, but what games have them, I hated.

There was an indie game on Steam that had realistic graphics about a year ago, and I stopped playing within an hour because the herbs I needed were so subtle that I could never find them. So it looked GREAT, but it made looking for what you wanted much more difficult and frustrating.

Maybe for games like shooters where all you do is shoot stuff, it's okay, but I wouldn't want it for survival games or anything where I interact with the environment.


TheKevit07 t1_j9zjwpv wrote

Operation Payback for CS:GO came out in 2013 and basically rewarded you with a coin that was a different color based on playtime... similar to how a battle pass would work, but without the objectives (which would come in later passes).

At least with those, the creators of the maps that got featured were paid the money raised on the passes.


TheKevit07 t1_j6mvn8e wrote

If you like single-player RPGs, it's a great game. You can stop time with a push of a button to plan ahead, or you can do combat on the fly. Story was great, good characters, and kind of like D&D since 2000s Bioware followed that formula.

If you try it and like it, Dragon Age: Origins is very similar as well...since that was also Bioware in their golden era.