
TheLostExplorer7 t1_j1yw4u6 wrote

I typically don't have this issue of forgetting where I am at in a game, but it also helps that I mentally go down a checklist every time I start playing a game. Especially if I have multiple games that I am playing at the same time. It is something that I have practiced since childhood and it is a good memory exercise.

For instance, I just went back to Dark Souls 3 despite not playing the game for over six months and immediately started on an old save that was midgame. I first reorient myself with the game and mentally check off what was done prior, which bosses I had fought, and what areas I had already unlocked double checking this against the Firelink Shrine's teleporter to make sure that I didn't forget anything major, all of this is done in roughly a minute.

If you are really having issues, I would also suggest keeping a notebook with just highlights of major events done in games. I used to do this before I came up with my current method, mostly because I thought logging my adventures in various games would be what adventurers like Link from Legend of Zelda would have done.

For RPGs, I typically do a debriefing session post gaming session where I go over the major events in my head and think about what made those events cool or thought provoking. That makes them stick out in my head more.