
TheLuteceSibling t1_jdg3msf wrote

It shouldn't. Scales function on compression between two surfaces. Whether the surface under the scale is a little squishy or not shouldn't make a difference.

Does your scale have a two-piece construction? Like a box that fits in a box that compresses when you stand on it? If so, then the outer shell might be touching the carpet when you stand on it, so not all of your weight is on the scale... it's on the carpet.


TheLuteceSibling t1_j6lbu0x wrote

There are different techniques, but you can think of it like the CPU figuring out where all the objects are and then handing it to the GPU.

The GPU applies, color, texture, shadow, and everything else. Putting chess pieces on a board is easy. Making them look like marble is much more intense.


TheLuteceSibling t1_j6la8wn wrote

The CPU is really good at task-switching, doing a bunch of things basically all at once.

They GPU is designed to configure itself to ONE task and to do the same thing bazillions of times per second.

It's like comparing a tractor to a sports car. They're fundamentally different machines.


TheLuteceSibling t1_j60kac4 wrote

It's different because it is. There's no simpler way to put it.

Using Ukraine as an example, Russia may claim (that is, official agents of the state speaking in their capacity as an agent of the state) may claim that countries who have donated equipment are active participants in the War in Ukraine.

That's it. They may claim that. They may claim whatever they wish to. They might attack German, American, Polish, or other militaries directly (as one would expect following such a claim), but they won't because they don't want Germany, America, Poland or anyone else to actually join the fight.

Also, we (lots of countries) sell weapons internationally. Historically, this is not considered the same as participating in the conflicts of the buying country.


TheLuteceSibling t1_j1al62z wrote

Some of them land themselves, but only in nice conditions. The new and fancy ones land themselves in mediocre or poor conditions.

Wanna bet your life on Tesla Autopilot: Sky Edition?

Edit: oh, and the drones and things you listed still have pilots. They're just not in the vehicle. Auto-landing tech in aircraft is very rare.


TheLuteceSibling t1_iyezp8v wrote

America is the only country has has these ridiculous rules, and there hasn't been a single accident blamed on someone's cell phone or laptop. Feel free to just pretend you're following the rule.

Your phone is capable of transmitting on frequencies that aircraft equipment might use. This theoretical interference is as far as it goes.


TheLuteceSibling t1_iyaa4l7 wrote

A month is fine. A healthy person takes about 3 weeks to die with no food. A person with ample fat reserves would (or at least should) last longer.

Angus' feat was done with close supervision and (as far as anyone can cite) only once. I'm skeptical, as I said, and there's nothing radical about the idea of fat reclamation falling short of subsistence. I'd be curious to see someone replicate it.


TheLuteceSibling t1_iya5t9i wrote

Your body cannot convert fat back into usable energy in large enough quantities to survive. You will starve, even if properly hydrated and vitamin'd.

Your body burns fat to span the gap when you run a caloric deficit, so while "don't eat" is dangerous, "eat less" is in fact the only solution (excluding surgeries, for example).


TheLuteceSibling t1_iya2bv8 wrote

It does, to some degree, but ultimately those *symptoms* are mostly how your body responds to threats, not the effects of the cold itself.

The bug doesn't give you fever, diarrhea, and a headache. Your body responds to the bug by inflaming the infection (more liquid/antibodies/resources for the immune system) which causes diarrhea. Your body increases the temperature because lots of bugs don't like the heat. This is your fever. Your body could increase blood pressure, too, which could result in a pressure headache, for example.

And because its your body responding, it's going to respond very similarly each time. You might always get super congested, but my most common symptom is a headache.


TheLuteceSibling t1_iya169v wrote

You've asked the billion-trillion dollar question that ultimately gets into arguments about the existence of "souls" or if consciousness is an emergent property of complexity. This is a question far bigger than ELI5. It's actually unanswered even at the ELIhave-a-PhD-in-a-relevant-field level.


TheLuteceSibling t1_iy1s5sc wrote

The various kingdoms of the world all had different units for measurements, and when you're trying to communicate between different cultures, the first thing you need is standard meanings of terms. So the merchants and navies of the world standardized the nautical mile, for example.

And yes, nautical miles per hour (knots) is still a commonly used measurement of speed, even if things like "fathoms" and "leagues" have fallen into disuse.


TheLuteceSibling t1_ixqa2vy wrote

Your child doesn't think of you as another thinking entity. To her, you don't have your own thoughts and emotions and desires. Hers is the only mind in the universe.

When you disagree with her, this is wrong because obviously (to her) you want what she wants. Her wants are the only wants that exist.


TheLuteceSibling t1_iwpsk3p wrote

Making something requires precision, and making something smaller requires more precision. Your hypothetical requires that we make something that in turn makes something else with even greater precision than we ourselves are capable of.

Also… computer chips are small, but the process to make them cannot be replicated by some miniature robot.


TheLuteceSibling t1_iuf4uu0 wrote

If you have a poorly formed lens in your eye, it won’t bend light correctly. By squinting, you focus the light like a pinhole camera rather than relying on your lens.

Your eyes get tired because you’ve got muscles that flex your lens, and they’re working overtime to try and fix the focus on your poorly shaped lenses.


TheLuteceSibling t1_isqaoh8 wrote

Gunfire often causes a panic, and panicky people produce their own injuries and deaths, notably by trampling or accidentally pushing someone off a ledge or into traffic.

Killed is for homicides. Death includes secondary and tertiary effects.

Edit to add example: whenever someone says “gun deaths” the number they’re about to give you includes suicides, accidents, etc., which outnumber murders more than 2:1


TheLuteceSibling t1_isqaab8 wrote

Yeah… because 11 murders is way different from 1 mass murder or 1 serial killer with 11 victims. The former is 11 points of failure that each produce 1 death. The latter is ONE point of failure that results in 11 deaths.

Assuming its similarly difficult to locate a pre-murderer and a pre-mass-murderer, our money is far better spent addressing pre-mass-murderers.