
TheMadBug t1_jcnbth0 wrote

I know almonds get a deservedly bad wrap, but out of all the things you might pour into your coffee or cereal, cow milk is the least water efficient by almost double compared to almonds.

Granted Soy is on a whole different level of efficiency - but the overall message is meat and dairy are the biggest offenders if you want to fix things.


TheMadBug t1_j3q111r wrote

Sad to see the number of people that don’t know the difference between holes in the ozone layer (caused by CFCs - where a hole in the ozone layer lets through more skin cancer causing UV rays)


Climate change (caused by greenhouse gases such as CO2, methane etc - produced by many industries in large quantities)

The first one (per the article) is actually getting better due to global action to reduce CFCs (yay less skin cancer, esp for those south on the globe).

The second is still getting worse.

Importantly, the ozone issue shows we can identify a problem and fix it. This is a great example of why we should listen to scientists.