
TheMotorcycleBoy t1_iufbygr wrote

What? That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of it works.

All those transmitted variables you cited are (pretty obviously) present in both types of transactions. (Apart from the ‘preferred candidate’ thing - but you could substitute ‘value’ for that couldn’t you? Same deal.)


TheMotorcycleBoy t1_iuf4l2c wrote

Yeah. Because there aren't billions of completely secure banking transactions going through effortlessly every day?

Almost all fraud is the consequence of poor user practice / weak passwords / personal security failings etc.

Don't buy into those lies, dude. If online voting was insecure we wouldn't have online banking and online commerce.

It's just a line sold to get the older (more Conservative) people to agree to restrict voting access to mobile / time-poor / poor (more left-leaning) voters.

(And no, voter fraud is not bad now and never has been more than a small percentage of total votes cast.)


TheMotorcycleBoy t1_iuf1kze wrote

Elections everywhere are shady as shit.

What really stops us (these days) just attaching polling chits to passports / bank accounts / Social Security accounts (?) - or enabling a system of online registration with a unique ID?

It's almost as if they want to make it tricky for young / poor / educated and mobile people to vote.🤔


TheMotorcycleBoy t1_itkyxwx wrote

I know that was a joke but just in case this sort of thing starts to creep into 'mainstream thinking'...

Military spending is 3.29% of GDP. You already spend more in tax per person in the US on universal healthcare than the UK does (probably plenty of other free-at-point-of-use countries as well, I just haven't seen the stats.)

It's not the misdirection of tax dollars into the military that's the (main) problem. The problem is the exorbitant prices of healthcare and drugs in the US. The companies involved in that lucrative arrangement are not keen for any reform of healthcare service provision, and they pay / lobby / donate / propagandise to keep things as they are.

One aspect of that propagandising is to reassure US voters that the richest country in the world is not able to afford free healthcare because it's money is tied up in 'military spending' to protect all these uppity European countries while those socialist idiots waste all their resources on their universal healthcare and free higher education. It's a hollow claim. US military spending is around 3.29% GDP and most European countries its around 2%.

Sorry to get all heavy - because it's a reply to what was obviously only a light-hearted and oft-repeated quote. Just needs to be said.