
TheOperaGhostofKinja OP t1_j9n60fz wrote

Thanks a lot! This is only a quick trip (no pun intended) for a theater show Saturday night, with a small bit of walking around Sunday morning so I was figuring the QuickTrip/paying cash would be the best option. And your explanation matched what I was reading.

I guess I still don’t quite understand how the exit Quick Trip system is regulated. Couldn’t people just lie about what zone they started in and pay the lower fare?

And I do want to come back at some point in the future. Other than grade school field trips to the Liberty Bell and Franklin Institute, (and driving through on the way to the shore) I’ve never gotten to explore Philly.


TheOperaGhostofKinja t1_j4972ug wrote

For the interview: (is this in person or virtual?)

Each candidate will be asked the same set of questions. You should be given a sheet of paper with the questions written on it a few minutes before the interview starts. Bring a pen, and jot down any notes for things you want to be sure to highlight.

You’ll be before an interview panel of usually 3 people. Sometimes one person asks all of the questions, sometimes they rotate. You will see your panel members taking notes. The panel really won’t be able to deviate from the set question list(such as asking you to expand on your answers) so you want to be sure to answer as fully and completely as you are able.


TheOperaGhostofKinja t1_iy7sbkb wrote

I’m tangentially linked to a legal case involving Luzerne County. It’s been going on since 2018.

From my understanding, the lawyers involved have reached multiple settlement agreements, with the only thing needed to make the whole case go away is for the County Board to approve the settlement. Every single time they’ve either not even put it on the schedule to be voted on, or rejected the settlement.

The county has probably spent more $ on legal fees than the settlement.


TheOperaGhostofKinja t1_ivjsnbt wrote

BuT tHe NeW sYsTeM iS gOiNg To Be MoRe EfFiCiEnT aNd EaSiEr.

At least that’s what they said during the PA Congress hearings when it was getting approved.

My agency actually participated in those hearings. We basically said, “this is not going to work like you think it will due to X, Y, and Z.” We were patted on the head and told you don’t know anything. We were right.