
ThePoppaJ t1_j1vnx4w wrote

Why do you want to waste time on more highways? Look up induced demand. The wider the highways go, the more traffic jams you get, not less.

Trains & non-car prioritization throughout Baltimore (ie, bus only lights & lanes) plz & thank you.


ThePoppaJ t1_ir7qpa7 wrote

I’m a Green Party state-level official in Dorsey’s district. If the Democrats were all in the vein of Ryan Dorsey, I might still be a Democrat. I moved into his district when I was a teenager & while the neighborhood’s of course changed in that time, it’s gotten significantly nicer to live here since he’s been in office & championing a more livable city model.

If I had to poach one lawmaker to my party in this city it’d be Ryan. I asked him about trying for a larger office in the future in 2020 & he balked then, but having someone with an actual vision IMO is better for a citywide office type where those at the top determine a lot of the priorities.