
TheRadiantSoap t1_iy57g5w wrote

Yes, headphones with less punch than your previous pair are notoriously hard to adjust to. But, every time you're listening you're adjusting to them

Other people post on here to say how bad their first real headphones are because the sound signature (balance of bass, mids and treble) is different than their gamer headphones and they assume the headphones are garbage

You also need time to get used to hifi

You can't make that big an upgrade and change in sound signature without needing to invest some time with them and it seems like you can intuitively tell that.

On the volume issue, your computer needs to work twice as hard to drive them because of the 80 ohm impetus. A cheap headphone amp would solve that problem if it's a big deal to you. They use juice from the outlet to deliver a high enough charge at 80 ohms to drive them.

Welcome to the best hobby my friend


TheRadiantSoap t1_iy4xkie wrote

A cheap 50 dollar amp for my planars is what convinced me to get more into this hobby. I for sure heard a big difference

Then using a 100 usd tube amp changed things dramatically again. It warms up the sound to a huge degree. I bought the biggest tube with the most harmonic distortion on Amazon. It's very pleasant to listen to

Today, I'm going to test the 125 usd Schiit amp with my pure BA iems that i dont necessarily want to sound warm... if I ordered the right cable adapter. Hopefully the pairing is good, I'm expecting big things