
TheRadiantSoap OP t1_ixk4cj2 wrote

I actually really want to know the answer to the best music drug now

Soundstage gotta be benadryl. I think dph aka benadryl would be the audiophile drug overall because it increases how good music sounds without a mood boost or pleasant hallucinations (unless you like spiders)

It also destroys your insides just like how audiophila destroys the inside of your bank account


TheRadiantSoap OP t1_ixk346i wrote

Some people go out and bite people in the face on DXM cough medicine aka robocough. My BIL saw it happen himself

"Taking this much DXM causes a trance-like state and sensations similar to out-of-body experiences. Delirium and hallucinations often lead to aggressive or violent behavior. People also experience reduced pain perception."

I sit in a trance just believing everything I hear and doing whatever I'm told. Crazy shit. Pharrell says we're happy and I'm cheesing...

Do not take this ever for sure. You could straight up commit assault 🤔


TheRadiantSoap t1_ixil5yl wrote

I had to listen to my favorite pair for 50 hours before I could appreciate them because they were so different than my expectations for what headphones should sound like

I'm kind of a dumbass, so it prolly won't take that long for you, but yeah, you can't make an upgrade that big and to something so different without needing time to get used to it. Give it 5 days and you may like them more. If not, they're just not your taste. Nobody lied to you

Good luck, homie


TheRadiantSoap t1_ixb0r5p wrote

To me, iems are better at every point. To some people over ear are better. Depends on what you like

And 500 hundred and under iem market is more innovative rn imo. So I think for most people 500 and bellow iem is a better bet. Unless Soundstage matters to you


TheRadiantSoap OP t1_iuk1cd6 wrote

It's a cheap amp with an ungodly amount of harmonic distortion. Before I had that nobsound amp with two tubes and someone here told me to return it because there would barely be any good distortion. It's the one thing not directly recommended to me, but I like it so much better


TheRadiantSoap OP t1_iujrqit wrote

I'm really really ill, to the point of dropping out of school instead of graduating earlier this year to get shock therapy 16 times. I sit in bed and listen to music all day because of it. I went from listening with 10 dollar headphones to having an (extremely) early game set up that i can use in bed. I was helped with each of these purchases. Like, on the advice sub I literally listed the things I like in music and someone told me to get s12's. They're my favorite and fit everything I said. People give real suggestions, not just the most expensive

My budget is under 500 dollars and idk how people know so much about that when they have 5k dollar setups. Knowing so much is very helpful to beginners. I just got the dac and people steered me away from a 200 dollar dac for an even better 60 dollar one and I doubt anyone else here has an dac under 100. Yall just know you're shit

You can downvote me for the scuffed setup, but I want you people to know the experience has been amazing. There are very knowledgeable people here.