
TheRealTP2016 t1_ixnr7im wrote

That’s a very unique and in depth view. Thanks for sharing. I think overall we are more aligned than in contrast.

I’m not sure what else I can say right now besides that, but thanks for responding. if I’m less brain dead later, I’ll dig deeper into the details and reply but currently I’m unable.

You have a totally fair critique


TheRealTP2016 t1_ixn2zai wrote

it’s possible to have a market economy where all business is owned by the workers. Socialism is worker ownership of business (not the state!!, that’s one type) As opposed to planned central state socialism
where the state plans everything.

China is a weird mix, it’s doublethink in a way for the ccp, but not oxymoronic for socialism in general because there are numerous types of socialism


TheRealTP2016 t1_ix490ol wrote

They look the same because they are the same result of math/physics. Both plasma and electricity follow physics and the path of least resistance. That’s why neurons in the brain and galaxy clusters in space look identical, it’s the same reason why the spiral of a sunflower and the spiral of a galaxy are the same. Physics.

similar, if galaxies in space look like neuron clusters, what if all the galaxies in space ARE neurons, but for a giant brain the size of the universe? What if the universe IS a brain, and galaxy clusters are neurons?

If something like consciousness can be produced/received by the immense complexity of cells in the brain, what type of consciousness could be produced by a MORE complex system, as complex as the ENTIRE UNIVERSE? an infinitely intelligent/complex consciousness created by the interaction of all Matter in the universe. Essentially god

it’s all physics, water fractals look the same as energy fractals because everything is energy