
TheReapingFields t1_je1ekqa wrote

Oh for fucks sake. Look, there's only one good reason (and a bunch that just aren't) to go to Amsterdam, and that is to smoke some herb, openly, without threat of arrest.

How the HELL are my fellow Brits getting this wrong? How does one fuck this up? It is SUPER simple, right? You book a hotel near a good coffee shop, you go to the coffee shop, get a drink, a snack and a big fat spliff, you go to space, float back to the hotel and trip your nuts off, you get munchy, you eat, you pass out, and do the whole fucking thing again tomorrow, causing trouble for no one. WHY IS THIS SO APPARENTLY COMPLICATED?


TheReapingFields t1_jdqmsv4 wrote

Well, on the one hand that means an expanded gene pool, and that is great, because generally this means greater potential for adaptation, and a lower risk of total species loss due to an over concentrated gene pool.

On the other hand, resources only diminish as time wears on, and people need those. The more people, the more resources are needed, the faster those resources get used up, the harder it becomes to locate required resources... Theres a whole doom spiral associated with that.

Then there is the environment itself, which, if current scientific consensus is something you care about, seems to point toward the human race being the biggest threat to itself or its habitat, although the threat we pose COULD be diminished, without diminishing our numbers. It would only require the end of for profit energy generation, end the use of combustibles as fuel for energy generation, massive advances in fusion technology, renewables and other things that don't get the funding they need because of politics and financial cartel operations.


TheReapingFields t1_jcpi3dr wrote

Professionalism? Hell no. Look, I think its best someone explains the financial and banking sector to you, before you get entrenched in the idea there is any professional standard in play. There isn't.

It is a sector, just like investing is, for people who point blank refuse to work for their money, and will do anything as long as they can keep themselves from doing any work and making money while doing it. It exclusively attracts people who only sweat at all, if they are either at spin class, getting laid, or climbing more stairs than they planned for. Its for people with soft hands, weak backs and no guts.

If any of the people in the financial services sector were worth a shit, they'd have learned a trade, worked out how to use power tools and rulers, and be building houses, fixing plumbing, laying cable and doing carpentry, but instead, they joined the "I don't want to do anything useful, but I want you to pay me up the ass to do the useless shit I do" brigade. It shouldn't be a surprise that things collapse when the people in the industry are as they are. It should be a source of shock every time a day goes by WITHOUT a major collapse, because its more by luck than judgement.


TheReapingFields t1_jbus5d8 wrote

Show me where I specifically said it WILL, for sure. I said it CAN.

I am only half joking when I said at the start of my post that I hope it does, because otherwise I have been wasting my time! It helps a lot when you have occasional bouts of anxiety stemming from trauma, I know that much. A bit of a rewire is no bad thing when what you start with isn't any fun to deal with.


TheReapingFields t1_jbkx5vv wrote

A shockwave? Well, this happens with some frequency actually. Gravitational wave detectors are used nowadays to identify collisions between pairs of massive objects, like black hole pairs, neutron star pairs, or black holes and neutron stars. The waves generated in the very fabric of space time can only be detected by very sensitive detectors, because their effects are so slight by the time they reach us. We wouldn't notice those at all, without the necessary equipment.