
TheShadowKick t1_j3uuwl3 wrote

>If you're gonna look at me with a straight face and tell me that progressive bastions such as NYC and Chicago didn't have solid pluralities or even outright majorities that supported such a state of affairs prior to all the buses I'd call you a liar.

Then you'll have to call me a liar because I've lived within an hour of both New York and Chicago and open borders isn't a popular policy in either of those places. Open borders isn't a popular policy among progressives in general. You can find a few who support it, but for the most part progressives just want better treatment for illegal immigrants and to make the legal immigration process more accessible.


TheShadowKick t1_j3uhro5 wrote

> If you're gonna look at me with a straight face and tell me that progressive bastions such as NYC and Chicago didn't have solid pluralities or even outright majorities that supported such a state of affairs prior to all the buses I'd call you a liar.

Then you'll have to call me a liar because I've lived within an hour of both New York and Chicago and open borders isn't a popular policy in either of those places. Open borders isn't a popular policy among progressives in general. You can find a few who support it, but for the most part progressives just want better treatment for illegal immigrants and to make the legal immigration process more accessible.