
TheTasteOfInk05 t1_ix0wen6 wrote

Since the launch of the PS4 I have gamed exclusively on PlayStation, over this time I have acquired 200+ games to my library. My trophy level is pretty high, some I have spent countless hours grinding for platinums. So I have a pretty big investment in it both financially and mentally. I back in the early 2000s I played mostly on original xbox and on to the 360. Had it not been for the Doritos man himself Don Mattrick and his bad Xbox one unveil I would have kept with the Xbox, but now that the series x has come along and how xbox is buying up all these studios I feel this would be the perfect opportunity to start over. I don’t really game online and game pass isn’t something I would probably sign up for. I guess what I’m wanting to know, is a bad move to switch to Xbox at this point?