
The_4th_Little_Pig t1_jcnm9ac wrote

Reply to comment by HereComesHR in Recent DC Trip by HereComesHR

I’m originally from Texas and the mass transit is so much better than sitting in traffic for long periods of time, but if you live further away from a metro stop and have to walk or bus to metro it’s kind of a grind: the COL up here is crazy and unless your from Austin or DFW proper you won’t know how it is. Just know if you plan on moving up here it’s a major culture shock, and you should definitely have a job and a place to live before doing it.

Much love from a former Texan.


The_4th_Little_Pig t1_ja9s1oy wrote

Rent control is not detrimental to builders, only to owners of the buildings who can continue to control high rent with inferior products. If their building is going to go into disrepair or the amenities are inferior they don’t deserve to be part of the current market. I know with current rent control, rent prices can rise higher than the current inflationary raises through capital investments and that should continue.
