
The_Countess t1_jdqov6g wrote

Turns out there is a women who had XY chromosomes. She was completely immune to testosterone so her body remained female.

And hermaphrodites also exist.

Nature is NEVER black and white. Any futile attempted by humans to make it fit into black and white definitions will ALWAYS fail. Litterally everything in nature is a (inserve or double) bell curve of some sorts. THAT is science.

Also, sir, this is a wendy's.


The_Countess t1_j3gb64r wrote

>The magnitude of mortality they cause in mainland areas remains speculative

>Un-owned cats, as opposed to owned pets, cause the majority of this mortality.

Also, mainland birds evolved to deal with predatory losses, their problem is loss of habitat. It's normal for billions of birds to die every year, it's not normal for them to not find places to breed and forage.


The_Countess t1_j1nsk3r wrote

No, that's actually exactly how religion works.

European mary is white because most Christians there are white.

Ethiopian mary is black because most of the Christians there are black.

Korean's have a Korean Jesus, and I'm assuming their mary similarly looks Korean.

In reality, if she ever existed, she would have look middle eastern.

The only time you see a disconnect there is when a religion was brought to a area by a outside influence (like European powers to much of Africa)


The_Countess t1_j1gbu5t wrote

Despite the headline, the hackers still can't access any passwords. lastpass doesn't have any users master passwords to leak, so even if they made off with your encrypted password data, they are still encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption, with a key unique to and known only by each user. (and it is designed this way for exactly this eventuality)

The hackers would need to brute force each user individually to get at any passwords, and 256bit AES would take until the heat death of the universe crack that way. for one user.

Unless you are very interesting and have a master password that's vulnerable to rainbow table attacks, you probably still have very little if anything to worry about.

And as all cloud based password manager work roughly the same way switching password manager might not gain you much either.


The_Countess t1_j1gaaex wrote

The hackers don't actually have access to any passwords though.

Each account is still encrypted with a unique key that lastpass doesn't even know so can't expose when getting hacked. The hackers would still need to brute force each account individually to get at the passwords.

Unless you are extremely interesting, or your master key is vulnerable to rainbow table attacks (meaning it consists mostly of words, making it much easier to guess), you probably still have nothing to worry about.


The_Countess t1_iyaf5c8 wrote

most of these competing economic theories, like MMT pushed by Kelton here, just look like people arguing over which part of the feedback loop is most important.

They are all important.

If you pick one and push on that too much, then before long it becomes more efficient to push on the other.


The_Countess t1_iy84ra1 wrote

Government don't need to pay off debt (or write it off), they just need to service it, and wait for inflation and economic growth to make it basically irrelevant.

US world war 2 debt for example was never repaid, but at 285 billion, today, with the US economy reaching 23 trillion, it would represent just 1.2% of the economy.

Government debt isn't like household debt.


The_Countess t1_ixw9yvx wrote

>You lose half of the energy between the power plant and the end user in the electrical grid.

Who told you these figure... and maybe more importantly why on earth did you believe them? They are off by a whole order of magnitude.

>In more developed countries, losses were lower: While the United States experienced 6% losses in 2016, 5% was reported for Germany and Singapore reached 2%.

I've also looked at other sources and between 5 to 6% is the consensus for the US.

And before we were just talking tank-to-wheel efficiency for ICE.

If we're going to take a broader view then we'll need to include the cost to refine the oil into gasoline. That's another 15-20% of the energy gone before it even gets to your tank. And we haven't even added in the energy costs of distributing the fuel.


The_Countess t1_ix64cm9 wrote

or red, which is a 'new' flavour they are developing in japan where its generated by heat from a nuclear reactor.

(A reactor that can't melt down because among other things, it doesn't use water for cooling, and can withstand temps up to 1800 degrees C. They have a test reactor up already, and they let it melt down deliberately, and nothing happened. The reaction stopped on its own.)

So far that's one of the few climate neutral large scale hydrogen generation techniques that has looked at all feasible to me. For everything else the efficiency just isn't there. For example if you use renewable electricity to create hydrogen to fuel a car (even a fuelcell powered one (60% efficiency), not ICE (25% at best), a battery car would go 2.5 to 3 times as far on the same amount of renewable energy.

efficiencies like that would always relegate it specific parts of the market were batteries are just too heavy (aviation) or near instant refueling is a requirement.


The_Countess t1_iu3oap8 wrote

I don't think it will go that fast. there will be a few challenges around charging at home or work being easier for some then others, and some niche cases were being able to refuel quickly is a significant advantage.

And some of the materials needed for batteries are also going up in price, offsetting some of the gains in battery tech.

Having said that yes, the transition is already starting and will be well under way before we hit 2035. But this legislation puts a dot on the horizon that the relevant industries can work towards (mainly the car industry, the grid and charging infrastructure builders)


The_Countess t1_iu3npom wrote

While its true that methane is a much stronger greenhouse gas then CO2, it also breaks down in our atmosphere within 20 years so there is no accumulative effect.

The CO2 you emit during your groceries shopping trip in contrast stays in the carbon cycle for hundreds or even thousands of years, contributing to climate change that whole time.

Also, many people drive a lot more then 8 miles every 2 weeks. And if you're just driving 8 miles every 2 weeks anyway just keep your old gas car. This isn't a outright ban.

The bottom line however is that we need to do all the things. complaining one measure doesn't fix everything is a BS distraction.