
The_Humble_Frank t1_jeaggac wrote

Adding one to anything, does not make it less. the average global temperature heating at a lesser rate, does not mean warming goes away, it means its still getting warmer, just not as fast as it would at a higher rate.

I have actually worked with climate scientists, there is no accepted scenario, given technology that actually exists, where things get cooler.


The_Humble_Frank t1_je8yia3 wrote

No... we can't halt it. What gave you the idea that we could?

What we can do at this point is mitigate it. I'd use a car wreck analogy but that would still give the incorrect sense that it's over at some point. Mitigating it would be like the difference between turning the thermostat being turned up to 80 instead of 95.


The_Humble_Frank t1_jclcgmf wrote

its the natural wear down of any operational machine. you can't run a machine without creating wear.

Unlike strictly mechanical machines that are repaired and maintained by an independent operator, electrochemical-mechanical (aka Biological) machines, continuously gradually repair themselves with micro-patchwork fixes instead of whole component changes (though to a limited extent that is possible now with the aid of independent operators, called surgeons and medical teams), and the rate at which those fixes occur happens varies on the available resources, how easily those resource can reach the area (good luck on joint repair), what else in the total system needs repair, and how good the total system is overall operating.

But the repair systems themselves also incur damage, and poor patchwork makes future repairs more difficult. the ability to process materials lessens, the marrow creating the biochemical slurry that transfers resources throughout the system lessens in quality as damage builds up. Harder to repair systems get filled with quick filler scar tissue that doesn't properly mimic the function of the damaged tissue, and eventually one or more of dozens of critical systems can no longer maintain to operations at a minimum necessary levels of function, creating cascading terminal stresses on the remaining functioning systems.


The_Humble_Frank t1_jast6ui wrote

That's actually more a Tribal Politics charged move then you may think.

Its worth noting that the Duwamish, under the direction of Chief Seathl, where the only tribe to come to the aid of the city that bore his name during the Battle of Seattle (1856).

The Duwamish divided into two different groups back in the late 1850's with the significant majority banding together with the Buklshuhls and many other tribes on the reservation to become what we call the Muckleshoot; that group inherited the rights as signers of The Treaty of Point Elliott. The other smaller group eventually banded together (or stayed together, the records of their leadership during that time are pretty much non existent) today call themselves the Duwamish, but are not a federally recognized, as the Muckleshoot are viewed as the direct political successors of the Duwamish (1855) that signed the Treaty.


The_Humble_Frank t1_j6ia3hf wrote

There was decades of research after WWII trying to find out how Nazis could do what they did.

The summation of that research found that under, sometimes simple circumstances, completely normal people can do those horrible things.


The_Humble_Frank t1_j69m8bq wrote


The_Humble_Frank t1_j69lyqy wrote

The multistage preparation they note doesn't necessitate any real special behavior. Rendering a kill is itself multi-stage process that leaves you with the remnants of the animal.

Keeping a skull around doesn't mean the skulls have any deeper meaning beyond a trophy of a successful hunt. though it could be used as a teaching tool.