
The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j6czfh0 wrote

We're right around the same age then. Any area in Ware I should avoid looking at or is it pretty much all the same? The only place I know in Ware is their Walmart. Again, I'm poor and don't have someone to be a roommate so I have to find whatever I can afford, and right now the prices for rent are insane.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j68vuhp wrote

Nice to see another Western Masshole. Such a small world.

What did you think about Ware? How long did you live there? I'm looking for a 1-bedroom apartment or even a studio and Ware is one of the towns I'm having to look at cuz it's cheaper, even though it's so far from everything. I can't find anything around for under $1,000 a month.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j63z0kq wrote

You don't make any sense.

  1. Massachusetts schools as a whole rate best in the country.

  2. That school without AC is one of the best schools in the county, having almost double academic scores from nearby cities.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5zppit wrote

This has been going on for almost 2 years and somehow they kept it hidden from town residents until it was on SNL. Thousands of dollars a month wasted on electricity for 2 years.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5thnd9 wrote

Wow, you really put a lot of thought into that, didn't you? Tell me what state you live in that's superior. I know Mass isn't perfect and has its own issues but it's better than living in most other US states unless you're somewhere like Hawaii.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5tgx1y wrote

The school and system were built in 2012. The original company that the school was built by was some cheap company that built identical schools all over and my town "won" a new school after submitting an application so the town would only have to pay something like half of what schools normally cost. The company closed a while ago. This is a town where the average income is over $100K. They didn't even put air conditioners in this new school despite it being a 3-story school that at one point had almost 4,000 students between grades 9-12. There has just been one problem after another with this school from trying to save money.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5tg5u2 wrote

The school tried to save money when building the school in 2012 and that apparently didn't include a manual override or shut-off feature. If they shut off all power, kids couldn't go to school so that's not an option.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5tengh wrote

You would think but apparently that's too much thinking for school admin and no manual light switches. They tried to do everything to cut corners when building the school in 2012 and I guess figured teachers didn't need to be able to control their lights. They also cheaped out by not installing air conditioning in a 3-story high school that at one time had almost 4,000 students across grades 9-12, all with laptops. I have two friends that are teachers at this school and ever since the new school opened, it seems like it's just been one problem after another.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5skkmx wrote

> Fuck “Taxachusetts” high taxes

I hate the taxes but at the same time, we have some critical programs here that need to be funded. The problem in Mass isn't that there's not enough money as our previous governor Baker got us out of debt and now Mass has a huge surplus budget which I don't think many states can claim. The problem in Mass is nepotism and somehow funds "disappear" or go to the wrong things/people. We provide MassHealth (expanded Medicaid) which is basically free healthcare for those that need it (poor, elderly, disabled, etc.)... best schools... gun control... no weather that's trying to kill us like fires, earthquakes, floods, mudslides, tornados, hurricanes, etc. Before I was on MassHealth, I had private HMO insurance from an employer and ended up over $30K in debt before my mid-20s, now I pay nothing. I couldn't afford my medical care if I lived in another state.

> and roads full of holes

As far as the roads, there's nothing we can do about that due to the constantly changing weather and temperatures, the roads warp and break, which happens everywhere in New England. Mass has more residents driving on roads so they break down faster than less populated states like NH and VT. Unless we stop semi trucks and changing weather, the roads will continue to fall apart more quickly than in the rest of the country.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5sk9h7 wrote


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5sk0j6 wrote

You don't need to "buy" anything, I'm just posting a news story. You're way overthinking this. I never said I was in high school currently. It was the high school I went to hence "my high school." There's only so many characters you can put in a title.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5oseea wrote

> We have more gun crimes and homicides than NH, VT, or ME per capita.

I wasn't talking about New England. I was comparing gun crimes in Mass/New England compared to the rest of the country, specifically states in the south and southwest like Texas.

> The list of debacles grows every year, we can start with the new MBTA cars.

Oh trust me, I agree with you on that. I know Mass has plenty of issues just like any other place. Mass has plenty of nepotism and that's the first thing that should be fixed. I've spent most of my life in Western Mass around Springfield and Northampton and have also lived in Worcester and on Cape and have seen how differently Western Mass gets treated. We still have some parts of the Berkshires without high-speed internet that Maura Healey finally said will be built but we'll see. I know Mass isn't the best state in the US but it definitely has many advantages over many other states. I know that if I lived in any other state I would be dead because I wouldn't be able to afford the medications that I have to take to stay alive. On MassHealth, I pay nothing for any medical care.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5oqxd4 wrote

We might have some issues in Mass but I'll stay here where we have the best education/schools in the country, best hospitals and doctors, free healthcare through MassHealth for everyone (poor, disabled, elderly, etc.), and some of the best gun control laws which have resulted in the lowest gun deaths over the past 30 years.