Thediciplematt t1_ja8eri3 wrote
Reply to after ASOIAF and kingkiller I dont dare to start reading unfinished series, I wonder statistically how much people are same and if it sffects other authors? by [deleted]
I wouldn’t have started the Patrick’s books if I knew I’d be waiting a lifetime for the wrap up.
Thediciplematt t1_j68i5c8 wrote
Reply to TIL Jared Leto is the front man for American Rock Band "Thirty Seconds to Mars" with hits such as "The Kill" and "From Yesterday". by HamsterKarlie
Yeah, this is well known…
Thediciplematt t1_izn755r wrote
Reply to NFL players, especially former linemen, had fewer disease-free years and earlier high blood pressure and diabetes diagnoses. Two age-related diseases, arthritis and dementia, were also more commonly found in former football players than in other men of the same age. by Wagamaga
Dementia makes sense with the head trauma but arthritis?
Thediciplematt t1_iydqp45 wrote
Reply to comment by KuweDraven in God Of War Ragnarok or Elder Ring? by kiberDURKA
Thediciplematt t1_iydb7t3 wrote
Reply to God Of War Ragnarok or Elder Ring? by kiberDURKA
Depends. If you want to suffer - elden ring.
If you want action rpg, GoW.
Thediciplematt t1_iy3htde wrote
They lost a lot of revenue since the switch to VR so I hope this makes them stutter.
Thediciplematt t1_ix9vci5 wrote
Reply to TIL The Red Power Ranger actor was charged in multimillion-dollar PPP Covid relief fraud scheme by stepneo1
It’s mighty, morphin, jail time.
Thediciplematt t1_it290mj wrote
Now I can criticized and ridiculed for my life choices from the grave.
On the flipside, I get to do the same when I die.
Thediciplematt t1_jc8otdu wrote
Reply to comment by Freank in Happiness is finding a puddle big enough for all of your mates :) by Shortery
Lol, I thought I was the only one…