
ThenaCykez t1_ja8labi wrote

The longer any gaps are in your employment history, the more questions a potential employer may have about your judgment, your priorities, your desirability, and your skills stagnating. As long as quitting is not strictly necessary--like if you have an abusive boss or an unsafe working environment--it's better to search for a job while you are still employed and can prove that an employer sees you as valuable enough to keep on the payroll.


ThenaCykez t1_j6ot7c0 wrote

Strictly speaking, it wouldn't have killed every dinosaur, but rather all of the biggest ones, with the smaller ones adapting to climate change and becoming modern birds.

The idea is that the impact of the meteor kicked up so much dust, it would have dimmed the sun and made earth much cooler for a period of time. We already observe this happening on a smaller and shorter scale with major volcano eruptions. As the earth cools and dims, large animals have trouble finding enough vegetation or prey to stay fed and warm, and mass extinctions occur. Smaller animals don't need as much bulk food to survive, and there would have been much more plant matter available once the biggest dinosaurs that used to eat by the ton had starved.


ThenaCykez t1_j6kkfon wrote

If a company's main owners think it is going to do really well in the future, they'll buy back stock from smaller investors. This allows them to keep more of their profits, instead of having to pay it out in dividends.

Normally, there's nothing wrong with doing that. But often companies today are whining with statements like "It's too hard in this business climate! We need stimulus money! We need tax breaks! We can't afford to raise employee wages! We can't hire full time or provide benefits!"

If they are whining that they need cash / can't provide cash to their workers, and at the same time are reinvesting to maximize their own profits with the money they could have used on their workers, it sounds like blatant hypocrisy.


ThenaCykez t1_j6iu2g8 wrote

There are a lot of different factors that you could point to, and which could have further influenced each other.

  • Reliance on pack animals instead of inventing the wheel; pack animals that were less efficient than the horse, ox, elephant, etc. of the Old World
  • Reliance on wood and bone as tool materials instead of transitioning to iron
  • Lack of written languages and the printing press to allow learning without a face-to-face teacher-pupil relationship
  • Lack of widespread agriculture sufficient to support a scholarly class, universities, and monasteries
  • Lack of a philosophical foundation that led to the concept of scientific laws to be identified and utilized
  • Lack of a cross-continental conquest leading to a shared language that could be used across tribal boundaries for communication and trade
  • Lack of feudalism/strongly hierarchical societies creating incentives to increase food and goods production as much beyond subsistence levels

ThenaCykez t1_j2ah4n5 wrote

1.5L of pure water has a mass of 1.5kg. But soda has carbonic acid, sugar or sweeteners, other flavorings, and so on mixed in. Those additives could increase or decrease the density of the liquid.

1.5L of milk would weigh about 1.55kg. 1.5L of unflavored soda water would weigh about 1.48kg.


ThenaCykez t1_iuimg7j wrote

Is a grape a solid? Is it more or less solid than a raisin?

A raisin is 15% or less water, and a grape is about 75% water. The difference in size is purely based on the removed water.

People, like grapes, can have physical structures that store a lot of water while having a relatively solid outer surface.