
Thenerdy9 t1_j5vbovo wrote

I don't think you need to go back further... just maybe choose years that don't include drought?

> Drought in California from 2000–Present

> The U.S. Drought Monitor started in 2000. Since 2000, the longest duration of drought (D1–D4) in California lasted 376 weeks beginning on December 27, 2011, and ending on March 5th, 2019. The most intense period of drought occurred the week of July 29, 2014, where D4 affected 58.41% of California land.


Thenerdy9 t1_j3o3fay wrote

Nice. But, clinical trials are next step?? ... I have so many questions!!

What will the sensation of light look like to a patient?

What steps can be taken to undo progress if the sensation is undesirable (or worse, painful or triggering of pain) and a patient wishes to withdraw from the study?

Will differentiated cells implanted in suspension and locate its target, or as tissue, carefully laid on its respective layer?

What optic training (stimuli) are necessary for integration of the new sensory information? What stimuli will be counterindicated?

The future is awesome, but I would accommodate those first volunteers with a lot of money and accessible wellness support. 😶


Thenerdy9 t1_j1pxcde wrote

Is Nm=Nw? I can't tell if you just have more men responders and that's why there is a cluster of men without any women on the chart.

otherwise, I don't know that I can visually see this in the data that is so obvious, I'd love to see some stats.

Looks like imposter syndrome is universally experienced by most, but there is one clear deviation with a cluster of blues that are low.... what do they share? Dod they grow up with more privalege? Have the been working for longer? Do they take advantage of more support services? Are they more extroverted?

Also, would be insightful to include nonbinary. If you're specifically looking at a social gender difference, I theorieze that nonbinary gendered people would feel less imposter syndrome. Though, also nonbinary is multifaceted, so if you had a big enough sample size you could investigate this more.


Thenerdy9 t1_izx3tfj wrote

definitely an important player in the interim.

it is very political... but, from what I've heard at least in the US, nuclear facilities have encountered so much pushback about nuclear waste storage that they've pretty much given up and now store and manage it all on site. 🤷 and isn't that what we wanted all along...


Thenerdy9 t1_izt3m8f wrote

actually yeah, price of fuel went up, but demand for gas is inelastic so demand wasn't affected too much - but prices have started going back down, an actual sign of falling demand, not increasing supply. so we shall see.

Alternatives are on the horizon. they need massive investment in scale-up and innovation.

Diesel may be hydrogen-paired to almost eliminate emissions. Electric cars may be scaled up if we can get the balance and equity of mining and recycling lithium and cobalt right...


Thenerdy9 t1_iz0bikh wrote

this could be a viable business opportunity to provide complex patients with a service to visualize their issues and medical history. Great for nonverbals... but really, anyone tired of going through the whole thing every time.

Could be a B2B service too at a hospital. Functional medicine might be interested in adopting something like this.


Thenerdy9 t1_iz0b5gs wrote

it's easier to follow than a traditional medical chart.

you really simplified the parts of your life into significant epochs that make logical sense. Doctors like it because you did the first part of their job for them!

Puts it in perspective right? Glad you found it so therapeutic. Cathartic even, it seems like?


Thenerdy9 t1_itj5zk1 wrote

sounds doable.

for certain in circumstances where the parents contributes to a workforce that is scant, like hospital nursing.

would daily be sufficient? and you suggest several measures throughout the day? how drastically can it change? have any data to share for baseline insight? :)

Proof of concept pilot could focus on the days after symptom onset OR on the days after fever, which is typically when a kid is actually sent home.


Thenerdy9 t1_itbp5q2 wrote

yeah. it was spreading through our daycare. got it right after hand foot and mouth disease. somehow missed out on the stomach virus that sounded pretty awful. all we got was pretty mild.

but the daycares asked us to stay home for 1-2 or more days. the director struggled to really get better guidance. the health department was too strict and ODJFS recommended kids return after fever resolved because "they're all gonna get it anyway".

Meanwhile, at my hospital, there wasn't enough backup care to go around and clinical nurses had to call off with no fault (something about FMLA protection). I had a similar problem with HR. but I'm on the research side....

so I'm just thinking, can't we get a second readout from the PCR test that indicates level of contageousness to inform when kids should stay home and when they can go back to school all snotty and crusty? lol