
TherealOmthetortoise t1_j5580at wrote

Almost all science fiction takes something we know about the universe and then expands or extends it down a ‘logical’ path - like nanobots, space travel, robotics and AI. A lot of the time they will start with a general premise, like telekinesis or other psychic abilities and go ‘but what if that were real… or could be developed’.

It’s pretty much all about mankind using our imagination to expand our understanding of the universe, and how that might shape our thinking and behavior.

Fantasy tends to be similar, except the ‘what if’s’ are about how the world might be different if some form of magic was real, whether it be creatures, supernatural forces, or different realities where the laws of physics are more guidelines than laws.

Both types of literature ask us to suspend our disbelief and consider the world from a different perspective. I think both have a lot of value in that they help us to look at things with fresh eyes, and in a lot of cases, realize that we may have more in common with the rest of humanity and nature than there are differences.

As an example, I know for me personally, it’s always helped me to see how ridiculous the idea that people are different ‘races’ and how to isolate and overcome any personal bias or prejudices I might have otherwise had.