
Theurbanalchemist t1_j6ldccm wrote

After reading this comment, I went and watched a clip of the South Park episode where Stan sees everything turn to shit and he can’t enjoy anything or anyone. I get like that and not saying that’s where you are, but I empathize about nothing interesting you and wondering why.

I hope you find that spark to bring you back. I’ve battled — and still do — depression. Sometimes it’s not depression, just apathy. I explored new hobbies, met new people, and tried to unpack what about the things that once interested me had that effect and what that looks like as I get older.

It can seem minuscule at first too. I went from not being able to afford games to Pre-ordering and day one buys to now looking at sales for cheap gems to enjoy one day, when I feel better.

I wish you all the best 🫂


Theurbanalchemist t1_j6l8xyn wrote

In addition to what everyone said above, there are many videos on YouTube with this same topic. “Gaming isn’t fun anymore” “Gaming, Halo, and getting Older” Type any of those titles and the suggested videos will get deep and personal on where they are in their journey and where they started.

For me, it’s a matter of perspective and prioritization. I’m 28, still trying to get along in my career field and struggling a bit. Staying on the game all day doesn’t feel productive to me anymore, but when I am productive, I can reward myself with a nice gaming session complete with my vices and desires. That’s how I enjoy gaming. It feels better for me when it’s earned