
Thialase t1_j0w7bve wrote


For example these shallow companies gladly show the pride flag on their US twitter accounts, but their russian/middle eastern accounts never do.

Piss easy to "do the right thing" when doing the right thing is profitable and widely accepted in the society. Oh how noble of them. Such courage!

Maybe you love it, but I detest it. It's hollow and disingenuous. All they do is follow the money. And if hating on a minority group/LGBTQ was profitable they'd do it in a heartbeat.

Companies are not peoples friends.


Thialase t1_j04vepc wrote

sure perhaps now, but with time I don't think that'll be the case. Won't pretend like I know everything. But from the way I see things, in the U.S it's mostly left leaning people who want EV's badly. I'm sure rich right-wing people would buy them too, but right-wing people don't really buy into the whole EV / climate friendly aspect of things.

What I'm trying to say is, with the way musk has been behaving "lately", I think it's going to put off a lot of the people who'd normally want a tesla and make them buy something else, as they don't want to support musk. That, along with other companies making nice EVs are going to eat into their market share.

But hey I could be wrong and be talking out of my ass. Just saying what I think is going to happen.


Thialase t1_ivvxwhw wrote

>Imagine being angry at someone for watching a soccer game

Did I ever say I was angry at other people for watching a soccer match? No. I was responding to your post, which was basically "if you dare be angry at THIS injustice, then you have to be angry at THIS OTHER THING as well"

I'm well aware people have their various means of escapism. It's just about not supporting it this one time, since it's being held in qatar. Not every single time.

Let's use partying as an example. If you enjoy partying, cool. Good for you. But maybe you could skip that one private party at the house of that one guy who beat his wife and send her to the hospital?


Thialase t1_irnmark wrote

Stop talking as if I acted like I have an alternative plan up my ass.
My issue is the brain dead stupid excuse that drilling for oil and gas is actually "good for the environment**"**

Just fucking admit it's not.
I'd still be against it, but fuck me they'd at least be honest that it's fucking over the climate.