
Think_Application t1_j8sctar wrote

The ECHR is one of the worst organizations in Europe and arguably far worse than the EU itself. I have absolutely zero issue deporting illegal immigrants who have no right to asylum. Everyone knows the asylum system is being abused on a massive scale. If you actually look up the 30 articles of the UN Declaration on Human Rights you may be surprised by its limitations and how little of it is actually adhered to.

Just a piece of advice from someone with property in the UK, US, and Germany. If you have relevant skills you should have no problem getting into and living in an EU member state. The unrestricted movement of people brings with it serious problems. Having a system that allows for people to move to say Germany if they have in-demand skills is still very possible and a much better way to maintain things. Before you hurl the usual responses, I speak German, I've lived there on and off for years, some of my best friends are German, my wife is not from Europe and we all have zero issues with leaving the EU. The only trouble we've had is with Covid restricting travel.

Given the feeble response of policing to protesters illegally blocking roads I don't agree with you. The only thing the British Police seem to do anymore is harass and threaten people guilty of 'thought crimes' on Twitter. Free speech is absolute, there's no half way free speech option and unfortunately the UK is falling down the road to tyranny with the SNP leading the way with their horrendous hate crime bill.

I will be surprised if the EU still exists 10 years from now.


Think_Application t1_j8ow4fe wrote

Scotland has had one of the most consistently underperforming economies in the UK under the SNP.

I don't know what rights you are referring to? Freedoms? Are you sure you aren't getting confused with the SNP's utterly draconian 'hate crime' laws? The SNP are one of the most staunchly anti-free speech parties in the UK. This is the sort of policy I expect in Putin's Russia or Xi's China.

Their management of the Scottish education system has been extremely poor, verging on disastrous.