
Think_please t1_j7owpzx wrote

Work from home let people get further away from Boston than they would have originally. The fed found that WFH contributed 60% of the pandemic housing price increases. It essentially unlocked a huge amount of boston money all at once, and boston hasn't built anywhere near enough for the last 40 years (and won't anytime soon with its ridiculous zoning and ADU rules).


Think_please t1_j6k9o8d wrote

In general I’d choose Chicago over New Haven but if you are at yale and prefer the program there you should be fine. If your program has a lot of students (forestry, law, mba, nursing, md) there will be plenty of social opportunities and the graduate pub is a good place to meet people from other programs if your program is smaller. I can’t specifically speak to the Asian community outside of witnessing several Asian friends from my program seeming to have a number of Asian friends outside of our program.


Think_please t1_ix4asvf wrote

Damn, that’s awesome, congrats. Are you there for the duration or do you see yourself using the equity for a down payment somewhere else and renting both sides eventually? I’m curious because I bought a duplex in boston last year and am considering my long-term options.