
ThirdFirstName t1_j8tdmep wrote

Again the “biology” isn’t that cut and dry it never has been.

But let me play your game, adopting your definition of “biological sex” no I don’t think there should be a place that discriminates like that other than your own house hold.

I think physical competition is not really essential so yes I think anyone should be able to compete in what ever class of any sport they want. If sports are the hill you die on in this topic then that presents to me that you don’t grasp the actual hardship of existing as a person off the central curve of humanity. Trans individuals aren’t gaining anything you don’t have in life when it comes to survival.


ThirdFirstName t1_j8t92u8 wrote

Again “born male or female” on a biological level isn’t a yes or no situation. Biology is much messier than that. And cognitively within development the internal sense of self isn’t determined by what gamete you produce. Nope that’s not what’s happening here you aren’t the victim in this conversation. I’m arguing using scientific knowledge and first hand experience, what are you arguing with?


ThirdFirstName t1_j8t76hp wrote

But here is my answer. I believed there should be spaces for female identifying individuals to be separate from male identifying individuals. No I don’t believe that should be determined by the type of gamete produced. I have trans people in my life I know and love and I know the people in my life would be safer in their company than with someone who makes arguments like the one you are trying to make. Yes I am generalizing you.


ThirdFirstName t1_j8sbdx1 wrote

Good those are the correct definitions under the current biological understanding. But what that doesn’t say is that these individuals present with any specific appearance or behavioral attributes attributed to either sex. The reason for that is because within physical development there are a whole host of processes that must occur for the complete differentiation from female to male sex characteristics. With any of these steps disrupted you may have an individual that is phenotypically presenting different then what raw genetics may suggest. Eliciting the point that sex determination isn’t binary on a developmental basis at the biological level. This is confounded with the psychological development of a human beings having both biological and environmental roots. We just established that genetics and physiological states can result in a whole host of variability in what can phenotypically present as “male” or “female”, when that is combined with the psychosocial aspects of “male” and “female” gender roles in today’s society you are left with a spectra of behavior prescribe and ascribed by both biology and environment. Within this spectra people may see and internalize patterns they see as a gender binary but this is a generalization and doesn’t fully apply to the entirety of the population. So when you say “male and female” it is predicated on your own internal understanding of this topic which isn’t necessarily complete.


ThirdFirstName t1_j8s7f8u wrote

And I’m responding to your question with the reality that what you asked isn’t a black or white question as you have it framed or desire an answer for. And if you think it’s a black or white question then you are coming from a place of ignorance not bigotry. I work under the idea that most people have good intentions but are misguided by a lack of edification on a topic and that if presented with the information they can make a proper logical conclusion.


ThirdFirstName OP t1_itsfqmp wrote

Not asking for the best, just good options to get out and have some fun this season. Why do people feel like letting others have fun is going to take away from their experience? It’s back country, it’s not like every person who skis has the desire to climb up hill.