
Thoguth t1_j1fbx01 wrote

> Lab grown meat that has real animal protein would be way better as there can be hormonal issues with eating only soy and wheat protein.

I don't understand the confidence in lab-grown meat as a fix for the dietary needs of the future.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like there would be substantial energy and water needs just to provide the precursor nutrients to turn into lab-grown meat -- kinda the same way we already have that problem with actual meat -- plus it would be an industrial process, complete with industrial demands and centralized ownership of productive capital and all the exploitation and abuse that the rest of the industrialized food chain has.

Seems like a better solution might just be -- raise some chickens. They eat bugs and weeds, lay eggs, and poop fertilizer. It's work, but it's right there.


Thoguth t1_j07e2eu wrote

Malevolent (or amoral, self-interested) AI was created a long time ago, when people say up artificial social structures of rules and interactions to enable an organized group of people to do things that self-organizing or organically organized individuals could not.

Those structures include governments, militaries, and corporations (including many religious organizations).

A "healthy" large social structure is going to be more intelligent than a single person, and serve its own interests (even if they oppose the interests of its members).

So as long as those interests have been acting, we have had AI influencing us. Computer AI is not a revolution, just an evolution of the artificial intelligence that humanity has already created to serve itself, with some unanticipated consequences. Computer AI is likely to behave as other human - generated intelligent machines, acting in its survival interests including finding ways to influence systems to prevent human -interest checks on itself.