
ThomasButtz t1_j9uk609 wrote

People move away and move there. A random sailor can drop some "diversity" into a lady once in awhile. Etc Etc.

IIRC, genetically, not really a problem with basic social norms like "you and your sister don't make kids." Skipping generations and after first cousins, the genetic risk is kinda negligible.

Edit: Also, I'd have to imagine it's socially taboo. I heard from a guy that worked on St. Helena it wasn't a polite topic of conversation with the locals...


ThomasButtz t1_j651mxr wrote

Two tests happened less than a year after Nagasaki. Considering the logistical delays of decomming/moving/mooring test articles (surplus ships), setting up observation equipment/personal in the Marshall islands, and inviting VIPs to witness, it's a distinction without substantive difference that the US "were out" of nuclear bombs after Fat Boy was dropped.


ThomasButtz t1_j0zdgkg wrote

Agreed, but he checks a lot of boxes and probably has some political "qualifications" in his favor. Realpolitik wise:

  • Vet with actual combat experience
  • Minority
  • Legit rags to "riches" story
  • Solid speaker
  • Not unattractive
  • Young enough to do a couple terms in lower offices and still be seen as a "youthful" candidate in later runs for bigger positions (reasonable to assume a Seal/MD/Astronaut will keep his physical/mental health well above average for at least a few decades)

If he walks on the moon, that adds a helluva feather in an already impressive cap for a political candidate. I have no idea if he has any desire to pursue that path at some point, but hard to imagine he's not on the political machine's radar as someone to push. And ultimately NASA's astronaut selection is leaned on for political purposes.

Edit: formatting