
Thorainger t1_je5s2tt wrote

In a post scarcity economy, capitalism won't be very relevant. We've already reached post-scarcity in many areas. You can have as much clean water for a nominal cost, read as much books as you want, consume netflix, youtube, learn basically anything you want. Tesla is introducing a program that allows you to charge as much as you want overnight in Texas for a flat fee. Renewables will help get us closer to post-scarcity, as well as AI and 3d printing.


Thorainger t1_irbkbf8 wrote

He basically asked the same thing I did. In the same way that I did. But I'm pretending it's a war. Okay.

They already exist? Sweet. How much are they? Give me a link.

I'm seeing totalitarianism in implementing a cash-less system where nobody does anything for profit before we get rid of the problem of scarcity.

If it's all voluntary, there's no way that everyone will agree to this. The only way something like this can even begin to work is if it's implemented on everyone. That's not completely voluntary.

Also, "Everyone is connected anonymously to prevent forming of alliances and cartels." People like making alliances. Good things come out of alliances. Preventing people from engaging in them is a form of totalitarianism.

Your problem was linking the anarchist literature; kind of giving away the game there if you want to fall back to, "Bruh, it's just a game."

Last time I checked, not everyone pays rent, and that's not the only thing people do with their time. "how we used to do things only for paper and digits."

Get some better arguments and stop being dishonest.

PS: I'm serious about the bots that already exist that can do as good a job as all the menial jobs that exist. Put up or shut up.


Thorainger t1_irb943t wrote

It's interesting how it becomes a game when I bring up specific instances that would falsify your idea, while you gave the other guy a link to anarchist ideas. Why not tell him it's just a game?

Once they exist, they'll be cheaper than humans. After all, they never ask for raises, get tired, want benefits, need time off, make mistakes, get distracted, commit fraud, have children, etc. There are already socialist countries around the world. Why haven't they automated away all the menial jobs?

They'll only laugh if they don't understand what it means to be in an economy with scarcity. We don't get to a post-scarcity economy by eradicating money and preventing people from doing what they want to do. That's called totalitarianism. Also, most people don't only do things for paper and digits.


Thorainger t1_irapqtt wrote

I've not yet found a system better than capitalism to automate boring jobs. Why hasn't that already been done? Why is there no trucker bot? Why is there no janitor bot? Why is there no server bot? Why is there no fruit-picker bot? Why is there no fast food employee bot? Do business owners enjoy employing people for jobs that they hate or is there no other better solution currently?

Also, are you saying there will be no restaurants, no theme parks, no movie theaters? Will every book be self-published?