
ThreeDogs2022 t1_j3mtahk wrote

Bloody knife and blood found on the premises. Husband, who told police he went nowhere that day, was seen on security video shopping for tarps and cleaning supplies at Home Depot.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_j3gts1v wrote

Reply to Masshealth by soondol2012

Unless you're willing to go to the ER (which is lousy idea for reasons ranging from covid and flu and severely overtaxed ers and wait times all the way to the more esoteric waste of resources) i'm pretty sure you'll be asked for cash up front in the urgent care. Unless you're in absolute agony and cannot bear the pain, i'd RICE that sucker and make plans to get home.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_j1q39gx wrote

I feel the same way (although I'm not in the Berkshires). In the last few years I've become reasonably confident that I will never leave the immediate area. It's no longer just ideological differences. I can get along with people just fine who have different views on things like taxes.

It's that hate, racism, violence, misogyny and ignorance are driving policy decisions. It's a safety issue in addition to basic quality of life.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_j16zglt wrote

Reply to comment by Alphatron1 in Mass RMV by [deleted]

Hahah...I got my license with a statey there too, many moons ago. My adult son was kvetching about his license test and I was all "Listen here, young whippersnapper, at least the old guy from the registry wasn't ARMED."


ThreeDogs2022 t1_j13nekv wrote

If you're a Triple A member, you can get multiple RMV services done at the AAA office. It's substantially easier to get an appointment, and the time spent in office is miniscule, whereas with the RMV it can take weeks to find an open spot and then you end up waiting an hour and a half anyway LOL


ThreeDogs2022 t1_j11i09e wrote

Since you already have a passport, you don't 'need' a real ID. The passport will get you on planes and in federal buildings just fine.

That being said, it's 1 or 2 additional pieces of paper and it's always nice to have an added layer of whatever in case something goes cattywampus. I wouldn't rush in your shoes to get my real ID, but I'd probably roll it in the next time you have to update your license anyway.

If you have Triple A.....I made an appointment and was in and out in 7 minutes. Completely painless.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_izqijvc wrote

There's a Market Basket in Athol. And in those places where MB is all over, are there also Big Y and Stop & Shop? Population density is directly related to potential demand. Stop & Shop and Big Y have the market eaten up in western MA. Another grocery store won't make any money.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_izpz8is wrote

Population density probably? Aldi serves a niche population but big y and stop & shop are well established in the area. Market Basket probably doesn't think the numbers are there to add additional groceries. And we're pretty sparse out here especially thru franklin county and the berkshires.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_iz0j3sb wrote

Ok so two issues here.

  1. You've asserted your office is all men, but that's irrelevant, isn't it, because the bathrooms are for the building, not the office. So there is in fact an (evenish?) split of men and women in the building
  2. Single gender single occupants bathrooms are silly.

Presuming you aren't being disgusting in the 'women's' bathroom, (ie. leaving filth and mess and stink), i think you're fine to continue using it, but since you don't own the building you don't have ground to stand on.

Perhaps your XO can speak to the landlord about converting the signage to 'all gender' or 'multi-use' etc.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_iyqto7p wrote

"“I think [Churchill] could have found a better way to raise awareness. Creating chaos in schools is not how you create lasting changes in policy,” said Marshman, adding that she’d like to see Churchill charged for trespassing and filming minors without parental consent."

Funny thing is, creating chaos has historically been the ONLY way policy is changed in the US.

I don't agree with her behavior. It was attention seeking, grandiose, narcissistic and obnoxious. But the bottom line is, she's RIGHT. She should not have been able to gain entry to any of those schools. And she would have been stopped at the beginning with the most absolute basic of security measures. Having her charged is trying to save face.