
ThriftyUpcycle t1_is3wv09 wrote

Sending hugs!

I dont understand what you are going through... but i can promise you if you just take a leap and rent a room from somone you will find peace, independance, and freedom. It will so be worth it!

Sometimes if you work at a self storage facility, they have a unit onsite you can rent out. Or if it was the begining of summer instead of the end working at a boy scout camp or farm you wouldnt have to pay rent and could save up a little.

Also therapy may help if u find the right therapist. Parents, grandparents, siblings, or a local church maybe able to help you pay for that. Dont be scared. Just ask ;)

Once again, know that we care and want you to have a good life asap. Always keep believing things will get better! I promise you they will :) Hugs!