
ThrobbinGoblin t1_j1o6ost wrote

Dude, it's pretty normal. At least in America.

I mean... Isn't it? At least like weed or mushrooms at some point if you're in the midwest. Unless your parents are the most super conservative people or they didn't have you until they were in their thirties. At least in my experience there's a good proportion of them that at least dabbled.


ThrobbinGoblin t1_j1myi05 wrote

I'm pretty sure that autism of some sort runs in the men in my family because they are all like this, and nowadays if I take a psychological test they see it in me. I think that the only difference is that they didn't test for it or really know much about it back then, so men just had to mask their entire lives and deal with it or die single and childless.

I know this because when I was growing up it wasn't really a well tested for thing and I had to mask. And OPs story sounds like something I would do.