
ThrowAwayAnother1991 OP t1_j9tpfot wrote

I’ll post it later. But I set myself on fire while holding a gasoline container. Being in the ocean felt like it was going to take me over time no matter what I did. Having my right arm in flames while trying to put out the fire felt like a bomb was going to blow up on me at any moment. And yes I was drinking again.

Don’t salute me yet, I only conquer it for months here and there before I relapse. I really hope I win this battle. There’s this phrase “the devil is doing push ups in the parking lot”, meaning that the disease never fades and weakens, it’s always just outside, getting stronger and stronger while it waits for you to slip up


ThrowAwayAnother1991 OP t1_j9qxpsb wrote

Learn to swim. Could save your life or someone else’s. It’s pretty easy, babies and puppies can do it naturally.

But yeah. It was pretty scary. No one to hear you scream. Just the wrath of mother natures greatest force for miles in every direction. Biggest thing is to just stay calm, and not over exert. Unfortunately if you’re not found relatively quickly you will die. I swallowed so much salt water I’m surprised I didn’t pass out from the headache of dehydration. That would be the one thing I would have managed better was not swallowing so much water. I was saving energy by swimming on my back but that also meant waves would wash over my mouth every 30 seconds


ThrowAwayAnother1991 OP t1_j9pbzhs wrote

I tried that. Did all 12 steps. Started sponsoring another kid my age, drove 3 hours to give him the big book and he took his own life that same day, he never got the book. Left behind a daughter. I still remember the sound of panic in his voice, knowing his wife wasn’t coming back and his life was in ruin. He sounded like someone who was trying to escape a flaming building but knew it was too late. RIP buddy, I hope you found peace