
ThrowRAspaghetti666 OP t1_jeecawy wrote

It’s like an earworm, I just can’t get the thought of her with this other guy out of my head. Then I start getting annoyed with myself for letting it happen in the first place. Whenever I’m doing nothing it’s the first things that pops into my head and I don’t know how to stop it.

I can’t control it. Will it just stop with time? It’s always worse when I’m not with her.

Thank you for your response though. It’s kind of what I need to be hear


ThrowRAspaghetti666 OP t1_jee8lto wrote

You may be right, this is my first experience with this type of thing and I am trying my best. I agree I am very lucky, do you have any advice on how I can forget and move from this? I almost wish she never told me.

Even if she did nothing wrong it still upsets me and how do I move past it ?

Thank you for responding


ThrowRAspaghetti666 OP t1_jee85l9 wrote

I am lucky. Very. I recognise that. I don’t think what I did was wrong though, I was genuinely unsure whether I was ready to be in a relationship with someone. I understand that this ‘limbo’ was hurtful for her and I’ve tried my best to make up for it.

I also didn’t think about it for over a month, sorry if the post was unclear, it was probably a week until I message saying I was willing to try when we were back at Uni - we live in completely different places so couldn’t see each other even if we wanted to for a month.