
ThundercatsHoooah t1_j6nl93i wrote

The last time I was admitted to the ER in nyc, the nurses were not doing their jobs. They left me alone behind a curtain with a rapist in custody unattended uncuffed and they forgot to feed me for 7 hours. I asked for food and was told there was none, I asked to leave to get food or order delivery and they said if I left I would be recharged again coming back. My mother is a 3 decade long hospital worker, (in the south, so my views on nurses are multi regional) the nurses unions and nurses sociological environment is very toxic. I shadowed my mother a few times growing up and I always assumed the doctors are the biggest AH in the hospitals, but the hierarchy system nurses establish amongst themselves is one of the most unhealthy work dynamics I’ve seen in my life. Like any other occupations you have good ones and bad ones, but our overall health system breeds and festers problems in EVERY corner of it.
