
TiberiusDrexelus t1_j9h1jqh wrote

Why publish her name like this, when there's a psycho mob after her head?

Her actions could not have been more justified, and were restrained. The AR-15 of dogs was attempting to eat her little puppy, she did what anyone would do in her situation.

I hope she doesn't get harassed over this nonsense, pitbull apologists are crazily ruthless and vengeful


TiberiusDrexelus t1_isuqlwl wrote

>be in Graduate Hospital and need to get to Temple's North Philly campus, despite not knowing how to get there, but knowing that you're in the southern half of the city

>look at skyline, see City Hall ahead of you and to the right

>think "ok I'm looking north, City Hall is to the east, so I'm southwest of it"

>think "I need to travel east a bit, and then North till I hit Temple's campus

works really well if you know the grid too