
Tibetzz t1_j9c8o8k wrote

>Wow what a condescending, shitty comment that adds nothing to the conversation.

Please elaborate on how you would add to the conversation? What conversation is there to be had when responding to "I dislike this show personally, so I hope it gets cancelled"? What is there to discuss?

>You can tell how defensive fans get when they resort to this

Yes, when you have someone saying "I hate this show so much, I hope it ends," the person saying "you know, why don't you go get invested in something you actually like" is definitely the defensive one. And it especially isn't the person who feels like hating things is such a valid hobby, that they lash out when its validity is questioned.


Tibetzz t1_ixx5s3q wrote

How is any of that relevant to the topic? We were talking about where the money was, and how the elite can keep you dependent on their drugs to stay alive.

So again. You believe they have the ability to cure any cancer, but they won't do it because they can't make money off of healthy people who don't need their products. However, if they can cure cancer, they can easily make that cure into a monthly prescription for the rest of your life, to keep you cancer free.

Let's weigh the options for the elites who own us.

Don't Cure Cancer:

-People buy your products, somewhere between some and most of them die in a few years and stop buying your products.

Cure Cancer:

-Patients live the longest possible lives, buying your product the whole time.

-You literally control whether any cancer patient dies of cancer.

If anything, if they announce a cure for all cancer, that's when it's time to get worried about the pharmaceutical cabal.