Timbershoe t1_jedovp7 wrote
Reply to comment by Ismokecr4k in An alternate reality in which Stormy Daniels gets the Presidential medal of Honor by bengalese
One is the first to be impeached twice, and the first to be arrested.
The other is just a guy who’s sometimes awkward.
They are not the same.
I get you’re Trump 2024 or whatever, but time to wake up to reality.
Timbershoe t1_je4w9nt wrote
Reply to comment by juanincognito in iPhone 15 Rumored to Lack SIM Card Tray in France and Likely Other Countries by [deleted]
Not every single carrier supports eSIMs, no, however in the US the current providers that support eSIMs are:
Boost Mobile
Caroline West Wireless
Credo Mobile
C Spire
H2O Wireless
Nex-Tech Wireless
Red Pocket
Spectrum Mobile
Straight Talk
Strata Networks
T-Mobile USA
Verizon Wireless
Xfinity Mobile
So most of them. Plus more will provide them if Apple continues to roll them out.
And for the ones that don’t, you can use an app that acts as a SIM for that network, allowing you to use an eSIM.
The only real technical reason for carriers to keep physical SIM cards is to dissuade people from switching networks as it’s more of a hassle.
Timbershoe t1_je3t5om wrote
Reply to comment by juanincognito in iPhone 15 Rumored to Lack SIM Card Tray in France and Likely Other Countries by [deleted]
>The sim card has exactly nothing to do with your stored settings.
Apple has stored a digital SIM on the cloud backups for ~5 years.
Cellular Apple Watches have a digital SIM, which is part of the user profile that’s regularly backed up.
>Sim card is the carrier information, all the sim card does is give you a phone number.
Not exactly. The physical SIM holds the ICCID which is a 22 digit code that’s unique and holds redundant information alongside your personal identification.
For instance it holds your country and network. That’s really not needed on a smartphone, it’s been done digitally via carrier settings and GPS for over a decade.
>Phasing out sim cards is a bad idea, now your hardware is locked to your phone number.
That isn’t how this works. You can change networks and phone numbers with a digital SIM. It’s just carrier settings.
In fact, the current digital sim iPhone can support 8 different phones numbers on one handset at one time.
Think of it like setting up aa new email account. Your phone isn’t tied to the one email, and the email isn’t tied to your phone. It’s just a communication route.
>When your phone dies you don't have the luxury to take the sim out and use another phone.
No, you have the luxury of just signing in on another phone and your entire profile (including the digital sim) downloads to your device.
Timbershoe t1_jdz260r wrote
Reply to comment by Skvora in iPhone 15 Rumored to Lack SIM Card Tray in France and Likely Other Countries by [deleted]
That’s not how it works. It’s part of the handset price, not the carrier price.
You can buy an iPhone and never put a sim in it, you still have your cloud backup in place for apps, settings, data etc.
I’m in the EU right now, and paying around $15 per month for unlimited sms, calls and 60gb of data. They also provide roving sims, so I use my data and service when I’m in the US for the same price.
It’s not Apple fucking you over on your bill, it’s your carrier.
Timbershoe t1_jdx7u7a wrote
Reply to comment by on_ in iPhone 15 Rumored to Lack SIM Card Tray in France and Likely Other Countries by [deleted]
Apple profiles have been backed up for over a decade.
You just log on with a new device and download your profile from the cloud.
SIM cards should have phased out years ago.
Timbershoe t1_jdr1ryj wrote
Reply to comment by whyzantium in Taxes in A.I dominated labour market by Newhereeeeee
Yes. Because my point wasn’t about the value of changes to working conditions, it was that working conditions changed as a result of automation.
There was no political upheaval. Systems of government didn’t change.
The OP was saying that AI would lead to a change politics. I’m sceptical it’ll even register.
Timbershoe t1_jdqfwa6 wrote
Reply to comment by whyzantium in Taxes in A.I dominated labour market by Newhereeeeee
That is literally what I said. The Industrial Revolution lead to better working conditions (weekends off, paid holidays, sick leave).
It was not a political revolution.
Timbershoe t1_jdqem72 wrote
Reply to comment by Whole-Impression-709 in Taxes in A.I dominated labour market by Newhereeeeee
History is circular.
This has all happened before, and will happen again.
The Industrial Revolution wasn’t a political revolution, however it lead to better working conditions (weekends off, paid holidays, sick leave).
The AI revolution will just change the job market slightly. Perhaps allow for more flexible working, but those holding out for some political revolution are going to be slightly disappointed. There will still be jobs. There will still be workers.
Timbershoe t1_ja2cdk5 wrote
Reply to comment by Aggravating_Kick525 in How far off are we from not needing to learn languages? by AmericanMonsterCock
That is literally what a Luddite is. Someone who opposes a form of automation.
I’m really confused why you would think using the right word makes you corny or a ‘tech bro’?
Timbershoe t1_j9bkamh wrote
Reply to comment by FuggleyBrew in Europe's natural gas prices fall to 18-month low by Sebekiz
The EU hasn’t increased its LPG storage facilities. That will take years. The distribution storage is natural gas, not LPG.
LPG is held at ports, converted into natural gas then piped into the distribution grid.
Dear god, why are you are tripling down on not knowing the least about the subject, it’s like having a conversation with the dunning–kruger effect.
Some time in the past 12 months you clearly came up with the idea that the EU had no gas or oil fields. That they were 100% shipping all gas and oil in. I corrected you and you’re upset. Just deal with it.
Timbershoe t1_j9akajn wrote
Reply to comment by FuggleyBrew in Europe's natural gas prices fall to 18-month low by Sebekiz
That’s 15% of consumption at most, and it’s simply giant tanks that are filled from the existing gas and oil fields. Holding areas.
And most EU countries don’t have any storage capacity at all.
You’re confusing the capacity of the distribution network with it being the source. The reason for the increased retention in the network was to force utility companies to buy at the market rate, and not run at low capacity hoping the price would drop.
Gas reserves is absolutely not the right term. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and instead are google shit to try and back up your error.
Timbershoe t1_j9ah8tx wrote
Reply to comment by FuggleyBrew in Europe's natural gas prices fall to 18-month low by Sebekiz
You keep saying ‘build the reserves’.
I keep saying the only reserves are the EU Gas and Oil fields. They cannot be ‘built up’, they simply exist and they are extracted for use.
You continue to make this mistaken claim. I’m going to continue to correct you.
Timbershoe t1_j9ade6q wrote
Reply to comment by FuggleyBrew in Europe's natural gas prices fall to 18-month low by Sebekiz
I have no idea what your point it.
It was an extremely mild winter across Europe, so consumption was less than forecast. Nothing to do with Russia.
They increased production to meet excess demand. It did not take years.
The EU does not need LNG facilities, that’s simply a cheaper import than the existing EU fields provide. An alternative, not a necessity.
But to go back to your original point, Europe did not ‘build up reserves’. The reserves were formed 10 between 180 million years ago.
Timbershoe t1_j99xq7o wrote
Reply to comment by Which-Adeptness6908 in Only 50% of iPhone Casings Made in India Meet Apple's Quality Standards by Majnum
I don’t see racism, that’s a lazy defence.
What I can see is that India has a similar problem to most developed countries. Skilled workers are now expensive, the cheaper workers they can afford to employ are not particularly good.
Same thing would happen in France, Canada, etc. you can’t afford to deliver the quality because the market won’t provide the correct workers for the budget.
The reason people are interested is because Vietnam, Brazil and Indonesia are starting to fill the gap of low price product production. People are watching to see if India can shift to skilled specialist manufacturing, or will fail the transition.
Timbershoe t1_j99fdv3 wrote
Reply to comment by FuggleyBrew in Europe's natural gas prices fall to 18-month low by Sebekiz
>They reduced consumption significantly and increased prices substantially to build those gas reserves.
No, they didn’t.
The European gas and oil reserves are a series of huge oil and oil fields.
Norway just discovered a huge new field a few months ago.
>There's still quite a bit of work to be done to get Europe to a stable point.
No, there isn’t.
It was only the logistics and cost of increasing extraction from the existing fields that was a problem.
Timbershoe t1_j95f3cq wrote
Reply to comment by anthonykantara in Europe's natural gas prices fall to 18-month low by Sebekiz
There were a lot of trolls saying Europe had no gas reserves. Putin was trying to swing public support.
They have huge gas reserves, they just needed to increase output. So that hope has now disappeared, and with Nordstream collapsed there is no return.
Timbershoe t1_j9533fe wrote
Reply to comment by quietly_vociferous in President Jimmy Carter shares a laugh in 1977 with the legendary Admiral Hyman G. Rickover USN, father of the nuclear Navy, who changed a Carter's life as a young officer with a single question during an interview to join the nuclear submarine program by nO0b
The US subs don’t catch fire or sink killing the crews.
Quality over quantity.
Timbershoe t1_j712tt1 wrote
Reply to comment by competitive-dust in Mexican Tourist Whacked with Stick, Heckled after Illegally Climbing Sacred Mayan Pyramid. by ThePinkTeenager
Lazy copy check.
They have used AI to generate copy for over a decade, and the writers just check and change parts for publication.
I would think the AI meant a tourist in Mexico = Mexican Tourist.
Timbershoe t1_j6nyp5z wrote
Reply to comment by Robot_Basilisk in Activation Lock is a great feature, but needs a rethink as 2020 Macs are turned into landfill by hugglenugget
You could just read the article, but okay.
Some of the companies made the decision to withhold the activation lock, as they specifically and deliberately do not want the machine reused.
To answer your specific question, the article does not specify if that was the IT manager or the company as a whole. It’s a mystery that you’ll never get an answer to, and it’ll eat away at you until the day you die.
Timbershoe t1_j6ng3zn wrote
Reply to comment by Robot_Basilisk in Activation Lock is a great feature, but needs a rethink as 2020 Macs are turned into landfill by hugglenugget
If you read the article it states a major reason is they are given for secure disposal.
The resellers want to unlock them for resale, but can’t, which is exactly the reason the lock exists.
Timbershoe t1_j6eib4g wrote
Reply to comment by Brewer6066 in Nadhim Zahawi sacked as Tory party chair over tax affairs by davetowers646
There was, in point of fact, an investigation committee run by Sir Laurie Magnus.
Here is the output:
Now, you can have a little semantic argument about what I mean by the word committee, or you could look up the legal definition and just skip that.
> Committee. An individual or group of people to whom authority has been delegated to perform a particular function or duty.
The reason the PM needed cause is because there is more than one politician in the Conservative Party. There a large group of them, with alliances and views that might not be the same as his. If he wants to fire someone without cause, he’s liable for backlash, such as a vote of no confidence. He’s the party leader, not the party dictator.
So while you say none of what I say is true, I’m afraid you’re completely wrong.
Timbershoe t1_j6dmsb2 wrote
Reply to comment by notaballitsjustblue in Nadhim Zahawi sacked as Tory party chair over tax affairs by davetowers646
God knows. It’s all internal, they investigated and produced a report to clarify the position before he was ousted.
Timbershoe t1_j6dhh6q wrote
Reply to comment by DrTBag in Nadhim Zahawi sacked as Tory party chair over tax affairs by davetowers646
It takes an investigation committee to fire the chairman. There technically isn’t anyone more senior than him in the party, even the PM is supposed to report to him.
He’s supposed to resign, not force a committee to formed and investigate him in order for the PM to be given reasonable reason to fire him.
He’s not coming back. If for no other reason than it’d increase attention on all politicians taxes, and very few of them would like that (on either side of the house).
Timbershoe t1_j6dgtt9 wrote
Reply to comment by lochnesslapras in Nadhim Zahawi sacked as Tory party chair over tax affairs by davetowers646
He was the chairman of the party.
It takes a lot of voting to oust the chairman, but most folk saw this coming a mile away. He was Bojo’s appointee and wasn’t leaving without a lot of folk pushing him out.
He should have resigned when it all went public. But no, he had to make it difficult like a spoilt child.
Timbershoe t1_jefmf72 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in FBI: Mandalay Bay shooter in Las Vegas who killed 58 was angry about how casinos treated him by YourUncleBuck
That the FBI don’t really release simple soundbites of complex physiological profiles, and reporters like reductive clickbait headlines?