
Titan721 t1_je629ab wrote

I have a Varmilo. It's serviceable. Since I like 100g in my switches, I went silent blacks. Heaviest they had and the rubber acts as a softener.

If you're wanting a more functional and customizable one though, MechWild Murphpad. It's through-hole. So there's a lot of work involved in getting it going. Build one and 3d print a case though and you're in business.


Titan721 t1_jdj6ppi wrote

At think the reality is we can't trust Keyreative. They didn't do their homework on if they could do reverse dye subbing before taking all the Group buys on, so now we're not even getting dye subbed, it's double shot. Secondly, they promised to be better before about communication back at the start of 2022 and failed spectacularly. Finally, they're willing to ship GB orders without final approval because they're that desperate to get orders out the door. (Happened with KAT Space Cadet)

I could write more talking about how disappointed I was with Space Cadet and KAT as a whole. But that's another topic for another time. I'll still do GBs, I've had good experiences. I'm just not doing Keyreative anything for the foreseeable future.